Navigating Matthew Perry's Tragic Incident: Debunking Media Sensationalism

Analyzing the Circumstances: Accurate Information Amidst Sensationalism

Over the weekend, various media outlets reported the unfortunate passing of Matthew Perry, attributing it to the acute effects of ketamine. In the midst of mourning, it is crucial to sift through the sensationalism often presented for clickbait and ratings, ensuring accurate information reaches the public.

Matthew Perry's Ketamine Infusion Treatments: Setting the Record Straight

Understanding the Treatment Journey: Ketamine Infusion Insights

Contrary to initial reports, Matthew Perry was undergoing ketamine infusion treatments, likely administered in a Los Angeles clinic. However, critical details emerge when examining the reported ketamine levels in his system, suggesting an "anesthetic level" that demands closer scrutiny.

Deciphering "Anesthetic Level": Unveiling the Truth About Ketamine's Effects

The Critical Distinction: Unpacking the Anesthetic Level

Matthew Perry was said to have been receiving ketamine infusion treatments from a clinic, likely in Los Angeles. 

However, the amount of ketamine that was reported to have been found in his system was reported to be an “anesthetic level.”

An anesthetic level means simply that you are anesthetized and will not be able to deal consciously with circumstances. Ketamine takes a bit of time to have its effect—seconds to minutes—sufficient time to make a mistake and then subsequently become unconscious.

Matthew likely procured ketamine illegally as the timeline between his last treatment and his death do not align. He used an anesthetic level of the drug and then tragically got into a hot tub.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP): A Ray of Hope Amidst Tragedy

The Transformative Potential: KAP as a Mental Health Treatment

Despite this tragic incident, there is substantial evidence supporting Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) as a transformative and life-changing treatment for mental health conditions. This section emphasizes the importance of delivering KAP safely and responsibly, within a therapeutic container supervised by licensed professionals.

Ensuring Client Safety: The Collaborative Approach with Journey Clinical

Journey Clinical has developed a collaborative care model to prioritize improving clinical outcomes with robust patient safety policies and procedures to ensure the highest standard of care and reduce the likelihood of potential negative outcomes and adverse events. 

As stated in their patient safety policies and procedures, Journey Clinical’s approach to care includes:

  • KAP is done solely in the context of a therapeutic alliance between patients and trained, licensed mental health professionals supported by an entire team of highly trained and experienced medical professionals.

  • During Journey Clinical's rigorous intake process, they clearly communicate the potential risks and side effects of the drug. In addition, their medical team screens for patient medical history (including substance abuse) to make informed decisions on their eligibility for KAP.

  • Finally, the requirement to book a follow-up consultation to receive a new prescription is designed to ensure compliance with our KAP protocols.

As such, 93% of Journey Clinical patients who have seen our prescribers three times to date have seen improvements in their outcomes.

I remain very confident in Journey Clinical's collaborative care model, protocols, policies, and procedures. I encourage you to read their commitment to patient safety here: If you have any additional questions or concerns about this matter, I encourage you to email me at any time.


Exploring Ketamine Therapy in Southern California: A Comprehensive Guide


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