Should you go to bed angry?
Let's bust a big fat myth today…
I’m sure you’ve heard that the best way to have a great marriage is to never go to bed angry.
It’s concerning to me that couples will literally stay up all night going around and around with the same argument because they are trying to stick to this rule.
Let's bust a big fat myth today…
I’m sure you’ve heard that the best way to have a great marriage is to never go to bed angry.
It’s concerning to me that couples will literally stay up all night going around and around with the same argument because they are trying to stick to this rule.
I dunno about you but that sounds like a one-way ticket to complete exhaustion and a week of trying to make up for lost sleep.
This rule is damaging because it doesn’t take into account the amount of damage that can be done by continuing to fight when you’re dysregulated. It doesn’t take into account the quality of communication that you’re having. You could be yelling, throwing things, name calling, and giving the silent treatment.
When couples start working with us not only do they learn how to regulate their emotions, but they understand their body’s warning signals that tell them when they are starting to become dysregulated.
They learn how to call time-outs and how to respect one another’s requests to stop. They learn how to return to the conversation when they are feeling more in control of their emotions.
Our couples learn how to have conflict and still feel connected and loving.
They don’t turn into enemies and they actually come to agreements about the things they are fighting about.
There’s no more pushing things under the rug, walking on eggshells, or silent treatment.
If you want to stop having marathon fights and learn how to improve your communication…
Click HERE and book your free 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll get you started with a couples expert and help you stop the marathon fights that go nowhere.
Will Marriage Counseling Help? A note about Timing
You’ve probably watched the fights getting closer, and closer together, or the distance between you and your partner growing larger and larger as you spend days and days without speaking to one another.
You know that things can get better, but you also know that you need guidance to get you to that place.
Therapy might seem like that daunting task - the one that you know you really need to dive into.
I totally understand that you might be waiting for the “right“ moment to start.
After weeks of putting it off, I finally did it. I went into my backyard and I pulled out the jungle of weeds that had taken over.
The weeds had been growing for months and months, and here in California, we had an exceptionally wet winter. I watched every day as the weeds grew taller and taller. But I was waiting for the perfect time to finally go out and clear the yard.
As I watched and waited, the taller they grew, the more overwhelming the job seemed.
With a gathering of friends at my home looming, and a stretch of sunny days in the forecast, I finally made the time to do it. The morning was hot AF, and by the time I was done my back and leg muscles were extremely sore and tired.
As I was working, I thought about you, and I thought about timing. And how sometimes you just aren’t ready. Sometimes you know that the job ahead is going to be longer and harder the more you put it off, but sometimes it’s really just about finding that window of time to really dive into some of things that seem really daunting.
I think this is the case for a lot of people like you who have been struggling in their marriages. You’ve probably watched the fights getting closer, and closer together, or the distance between you and your partner growing larger and larger as you spend days and days without speaking to one another.
You know that things can get better, but you also know that you need guidance to get you to that place.
Therapy might seem like that daunting task - the one that you know you really need to dive into.
I totally understand that you might be waiting for the “right“ moment to start.
But the longer you wait, the bigger the weeds will get, and the more muscle power you’ll need. Things aren’t always going to align and fall into place. So maybe this email is the gentle nudge that you need to pick up the phone and finally make your first couples therapy appointment.
Or if you’re already in therapy with one of our rockstar therapists at Rancho Counseling, maybe this is the nudge that you need to go a little deeper in your next session; to bring up something that seemed daunting before, something that you know you’ve been needing to address.
Once you truly lean in and trust in the process, there can be a little clearing for you to enjoy much like the one I created in my own backyard.
My kids now have more area to play along with my dogs.
When I look out the window, I no longer see a cumbersome task, but the edge of my yard filled with emptiness and opportunity to plant some new beautiful flowers that will be much more enjoyable than the weeds that once covered the area.
Leaning into your process and creating a clearing in your own mind or relationship will allow you the space to create something amazing!
What is that for you?
What do you wish you had more room for in the space between you and your partner?
Once you clear all the BS, what will you fill the space with? More date nights? More sex? More connective, soul connecting conversations that feel supportive and fulfilling?
Or if you’re solo, maybe freeing yourself from the hurt of your childhood traumas will give you the space to create more meaningful friendships or even a new romantic relationship?
Hit reply and let me know, or comment below. I love hearing from you!
Now is actually a fantastic time to start therapy! Yahsemin just opened up several evening times in her schedule and has openings Thursdays from 3-7pm!
Yahsemin is fantastic and has been with Rancho Counseling for over a year now. She’s gotten so much experience and training and is about to take her clinical exam for licensure!
Yahsemin has worked with some of the most difficult cases over the last year here, she’s helped couples through the infidelity recovery process and has helped so many couples improve their communication and connection over the past year - I just had to throw out there how proud I am of her!
How Trauma Impacts Marriage
“If it’s hysterical, then it’s historical.” Have you ever heard this saying? When there is an unresolved trauma that comes from childhood, it can rear its ugly head right in the middle of an argument with a partner and cause havoc. That response that’s so big, and seemingly unnecessary, can then touch on your partner’s unresolved trauma causing a tidal wave of emotions to come spewing back. This is typically the reason couples have such difficulty hearing one another and reaching resolutions.
“If it’s hysterical, then it’s historical.” Have you ever heard this saying? Maybe it's just psychology geeks like me who gravitate towards these types of sayings. This is one that has really stuck with me from grad school through the years in my practice. You might be wondering what the heck that even means - well, when someone has a really big reaction to something that doesn’t necessarily warrant that type of reaction it’s usually related to something from the person’s past. Many times it's an indication of something that has also been unresolved.
As a couples therapist I hear fights about so many different things - things that might seem pretty benign on paper: You didn’t do the dishes! You never text me back quickly enough! You didn’t tell me you were stopping at the store on your way home!
If you can imagine grown adults having what looks like a tantrum in my office for these above examples, it might seem so ridiculous to you. However, the reason that these things cause such big reactions for people has less to do with the subject matter, and more to do with old wounds and historical traumatic experiences.
Going to war isn’t the only thing that causes a trauma response although it is one of the quintessential experiences that people tend to imagine and sometimes the only thing people imagine can cause PTSD - but that assumption is outdated and incorrect.
Trauma can be defined as “a deeply distressing or disturbing event,” and emotional trauma is experienced when there is a violation of a person’s familiar ideas about the world and about their human rights.
Trauma can be difficult to define because it’s really about the way the event is experienced. In Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry’s book, What Happened to you? They discuss an excellent example of a fire in an elementary school.
For the firefighter on the scene, this was business as usual, and the incident felt controllable and even predictable. For the first grader in that classroom this event caused him to experience minutes of terror, intense fear, confusion, and helplessness. Both are very different experiences, and this is considered a trauma for the child due to his response.
A recent study by the National Survey of Children’s Health found that almost 50 percent of children in the US have had at least one significant traumatic experience. And the CDC recently reported that 60 percent of American adults report having had at least one adverse childhood experience, or ACE. (You can find out more about the ACEs here)
Events like an infidelity or sudden threat of divorce in relationships can be very emotionally traumatic and people describe experiencing them in terms like, “my world shattered,” or “I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me.” In these examples the relationship that the person believed was stable and secure is turned upside down and unrecognizable.
That sense of security being ripped out and the sense of reality being shattered causes emotional trauma. There are developmental traumas (that happen during childhood), and emotional traumas that can happen at any age. Either type of trauma can impact the relationships closest to us, including our marital relationship.
When there is an unresolved trauma that comes from childhood, it can rear its ugly head right in the middle of an argument with a partner and cause havoc. That response that’s so big, and seemingly unnecessary, can then touch on your partner’s unresolved trauma causing a tidal wave of emotions to come spewing back. This is typically the reason couples have such difficulty hearing one another and reaching resolutions.
The conflict often becomes so big that both partners eventually retreat and only come back together when they absolutely need to deal with something together, like parenting their child, or they have to play nice in front of family or friends.
The argument that is started because your partner had expectations about spending time alone together after a long day can really be about him/her being upset that you haven’t made them a priority. And that need to be high on your priority list may not even be coming from your relationship at all, but from their unresolved need to be prioritized as a child since their mother was often away using drugs and alcohol, and they were left to fend for themselves.
When both partners have unresolved traumas they can continue to bump heads with each other. One partner may have a deep-seated need to be a priority due to parental abandonment, while the other has a deep need to be independent because they were constantly smothered by an overbearing parent. These two marry one another, and dig their heels in, fight tooth and nail, and continue to go around and around about this seemingly unresolvable issue in the marriage.
The negativity from something like this can bleed out into other areas of the relationship and erode it over time.
Couples therapy is a great place to identify how past traumas are showing up in your relationship and can be worked on in that setting, or your therapist might recommend individual therapy in addition to or in place of couples therapy. Either way working to resolve past traumas can be incredibly beneficial to your marriage.
Mind-Reading in Marriage (part 2)
The truth is, we don’t know exactly how our partner will respond to something.
Yes, you may have had a similar situation or pattern and you know things about what your partner may like and dislike, but when you assume that your partner will respond in a certain way and as a result of this pattern of mind-reading, you tend to either alter your communication or you avoid the conversation altogether.
Last week we talked about mind-reading and how it can be such a disappointing pattern when you think your partner should just know what you need when you need it. In case you missed it, you can read that here.
This week I want to talk about the other side of the mind-reading pattern. It’s also something I see a lot in my practice where one partner will say something like, “well no, I did not bring that up, because I already knew exactly how he/she was going to respond.”
To which I typically reply, “oh, so you can read your partner’s mind?”
The truth is, we don’t know exactly how our partner will respond to something.
Yes, you may have had a similar situation or pattern and you know things about what your partner may like and dislike, but when you assume that your partner will respond in a certain way and as a result of this pattern of mind-reading, you tend to either alter your communication or you avoid the conversation altogether.
You might tell yourself you’ll get a negative response to something because you’ve felt negativity in an area of the relationship, and this sets you up for a pattern called negative-sentiment override.
One of my clients used to refer to this pattern as the merry-go-round.
Altering and avoiding communicating with your partner because you are telling yourself you know how they will respond only perpetuates the pattern and many times you will treat your partner as if you’ve already had that conversation and you’ve already received that negative response even though you only actually had the conversation in your mind and not out loud.
Once you get into the pattern of negative sentiment override it can be difficult to get out because you aren’t actually having the conversations and you’re always assuming your partner’s negativity. Not having the actual conversations never allows for a positive response from your partner and keeps you perpetually stuck in assuming negativity and you might even begin to see your partner in a negative light altogether
When I reality test with clients about their assumptions of their partner’s negative responses and they actually have those conversations in session they find out things like:
Their partner gave a negative response to helping with the kiddos' bath time once when they were stressed from work, and if they could do it all over again they’d respond differently.
The assumption that was made in this case was that helping in the evenings was not going to happen, and one partner just assumed all responsibility without asking for help due to one negative response.
One partner didn't want to talk about vacation planning one evening because they’d just had an issue at work with a coworker who typically covers for them, and didn’t feel comfortable asking for coverage at that particular time.
The assumption that was made here was that vacations weren’t a priority for this person, and their partner was afraid to broach the subject. After further conversation in session it turned out this wasn’t the case, and once things were running smoother with the above mentioned coworker, vacation planning could easily resume.
One negative response from your partner should not mean you’ll always receive that response in similar scenarios, and it could just be situational.
So have the conversations. Make the requests. Don’t assume you know exactly how your partner will respond and get into a rut of negative sentiment override.
If you’d like help improving the communication in your relationship, we are here and eager to help! Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation and get hooked up with one of our amazing therapists who can walk you through improving your relationship.
5 Reasons Couples Counseling DOESN’T Work
One of the top google searches when it comes to couples therapy is, “does couples therapy work?” This is a logical and important question. Before you make the investment of your time, energy, and money to work on your relationship, I think it’s important to know how to get the most out of those investments. The short answer to that questions is no, it doesn’t always work, but here’s why:
One of the top google searches when it comes to couples therapy is, “does couples therapy work?” This is a logical and important question. Before you make the investment of your time, energy, and money to work on your relationship, I think it’s important to know how to get the most out of those investments. The short answer to that questions is no, it doesn’t always work, but here’s why:
1. You see a generalist rather than a specialist.
I talk a lot about the importance of seeing a therapist who specializes in what it is you are looking for help with in my previous post about how to find a therapist. It is the number one thing you should be looking for when you set out to hire someone to help you with your relationship.
I’ve had so many couples come to see me and tell me something egregious they’ve experienced with previous therapists. Things like, “well, the last therapist told us we should just get divorced,” or, “all she advised us to do was to have more date nights.” Not helpful.
When I dig a little deeper and ask about the therapist it typically comes out that they were selected off of a list that their insurance company provided, or they were the first person available. Also not helpful.
If you are having trouble with your eyes, you don’t go and see your primary care physician. You make an appointment with an Opthomolgist or Optometrist - someone who specializes in eye and vision care. This is the same way you should approach your search for a couples therapist. You don’t want someone who claims to specialize in everything from A-Z because they likely can’t give you the specialized care and treatment that you need.
In my practice I have one main focus: couples. Through my education and training I have worked with many individual clients and even some children, but I have come to find that working with couples is my forte, and it’s what I’m most passionate about. Because I have dedicated my practice to working with couples it means that all of my continuing education is focused on honing those skills, on learning all that I can in this subject area, and I have attended many, many trainings that can help me be a better clinician in this exact area.
2. You don’t attend sessions as often as recommended or for an optimal amount of time.
A second reason couples therapy doesn’t work is that couples don’t invest the amount of time necessary to truly develop lasting change. When people tell me their last attempt at couples therapy wasn’t helpful, and I ask how many sessions they attended, the numbers are typically pretty low. If you can count on one hand the number of sessions you’ve attended, you can’t really expect a whole lot of change to come of that.
Developing the skills that are necessary to create lasting change takes time. Think about how long you and your partner have been together, and how long you’ve been stuck in the same relational patterns. When you become accustomed to these patterns over time, it takes time to learn a new way, and to implement those things you are learning.
Couples therapy isn’t like a regular doctor’s appointment. You don’t go in once, get a prescription, and then take it and move on. Therapy is a process, and in order for that process to work, you must invest the time.
Another common issue is with the frequency of sessions. If you are seeing a therapist once a month you are literally spending one hour, out of the 730 hours focused on your relationship - think about that ratio. That is truly not enough time or energy to create change.
In my practice I work with couples who are willing to show up on a weekly basis, because I have come to find that that is optimal and it is what leads to results.
3. You look to the therapist to do the work for you.
A couple’s therapist is like a guide. If you were to hire a guide to take you through a hike in a national forest, you would expect that guide to show you all of the amazing points of interest along that trek, point out areas you should avoid, and help you find your way. You would not expect that guide to move your feet for you - it is expected that you walk and climb alongside that guide, follow what he/she has to say, and do the work that it takes to get you to the peak, so that you can enjoy the amazing scenery. This is the same with therapy.
It is not possible for the therapist to follow you home and implement the things you are learning in the therapy room for you - that is up to you. So if you uncover in therapy that you often become critical of your partner, and that has become detrimental to your relationship because of the hurt it is causing your partner, then it is up to you to change that pattern when you are outside the office. That process may be slow, and you might slip up from time to time, but ultimately you are the one who must create that change.
4. You don’t do your homework.
I give my clients homework all the time. I tell them what to focus on throughout the week between sessions, I recommend books for them to read, youtube videos for them to watch, and things to discuss outside our sessions. The clients who take the time to do the homework are the clients who are the most successful. They are the clients who report the most growth and change, and they are the couples who reach their goals the fastest.
This goes back to the principle of time spent working on the relationship. If you are only spending one hour a week focusing on your relationship and hoping for massive change, that is not enough. It has to be on the forefront of your mind throughout the week as well, and homework is designed to help with that.
5. You don’t give your therapist necessary feedback.
If you don’t like starting sessions with smalltalk, then it is appropriate to ask your therapist to avoid it. Or maybe, you really don’t want any parenting advice, but instead would like to focus more on the parenting dynamic between you and your partner - it’s ok and necessary to speak up and let your therapist know how you are feeling. I’ve heard many clients tell me about things they disliked about their previous therapist, but when I inquire further, they often say they didn’t bring those things up to the therapist. In my practice I regularly seek out my client’s opinions of what the process is like for them, and check in regularly about what they like to change or focus on.
Your therapist should also be seeking your feedback. It’s not always easy and it may even seem like you are being confrontational if you bring up something you dislike about their style, but our training prepares us for this. The therapeutic relationship also represents an authentic relationship, and so your therapist should be welcoming of criticism and requests in order to help strengthen your relationship, and to provide you with the best service possible. Holding back and not asking for what you need can result in poor therapeutic outcomes.
If you have any questions for me, or if you are interested in working on your relationship, you can schedule a 15-minute phone consultation here.