Affair Recovery Intensives
Get it all on the table without the soul suck of working on it week by week.
Single Day, Brainspotting and Ketamine Intensives for Healing Your Relationship
Can you imagine this for your relationship after an affair or a huge fight?
You wake up every day next to the person you love most in this world and you feel a sense of peace, joy, and gratitude.
You’ve been through it all together. There were so many times you each thought you were at your breaking point and about to call it quits, but with the right support and guidance, you made it through to this blissful place of love, connection and deep friendship.
Your breaking point was what led you to talking about EVERYTHING.
You both finally told the truth and even though it ripped your hearts out to hear it, once you hit rock bottom the only place you could go was up. The ride was the most difficult thing you’ve ever been through, but you’d do it all again if you knew it would lead you here…
There’s absolutely no doubt in your mind about where you stand. You look forward to them walking through the door every day. You’re excited when your phone lights up with a text from them. You haven’t been this affectionate and passionate since you were dating. You can’t get enough of each other! You never thought your relationship could be this good. You look forward to your weekly date nights and alone time - it’s your favorite part of the day.
Does this relationship, post affair, sound a little too good to be true?
That’s probably because what’s happening in your relationship feels like the complete opposite. You don't spend any time together. It’s like pulling teeth to get a date night on the calendar.
You dread texts and calls from your partner, you physically wince when you see their name on your phone because you dread having to walk on eggshells to avoid a fight or you know one is coming and you’d rather just avoid them altogether.
This relationship feels awful.
You do anything to avoid fights. You sleep in separate rooms, and only talk when you have a shared activity with family or your kids. You’re just like roommates at this point. The tension builds and builds and explodes over something little. Things erupt and the next thing you know you’re spewing out all the hurt you’ve been holding in over the past couple of weeks, months, and years. You yell and go back and forth and you say so much, but get nowhere.
Are they even listening? Why can’t they see how much they’ve hurt you?
These fights are so painful, but you’re almost becoming numb to them. You know that nothing is going to get resolved, when things calm down you talk and make promises, but in a few weeks you’re back to the disconnection and old habits.
Not only are you disappointed in your partner, but you’re disappointed in yourself. You hate the way you’re being treated and you tell yourself and your partner you’re not doing it anymore, the next time this happens you’re leaving. But the next time comes and you don’t go.
You tell yourself that you’re just going to let go of the past and promise you aren’t going to bring it up again. You both know these arguments are unhealthy and now you’re talking about the negative impact on your kids together. You tell yourself that things will get better, one of these times the talks and promises have to stick, right?
One minute you desperately want things to change, and the next, you’ve given up because you’re exhausted from never seeing a change… maybe you’ll just wait it out until the kids go off to college, or maybe you should call your old therapist back.
No one told you relationships would be this hard!
We were taught that once you find the right person, you get married and that somehow leads to happily ever after.
But how do you learn how to communicate?
How do you learn how to avoid arguments?
What happens when the trust has been lost or broken?
How do you restore it and rebuild your marriage?
Do all long-term relationships just turn into two people navigating the same space and acting like roommates?
If you’ve tried therapy for a short or even a long period of time but still find yourself in the same patterns and routines it’s not your fault.
Most therapists use behavioral techniques and teach couples how to improve their communication skills. They teach them WHAT to do, but the therapy often doesn't go deep enough for couples to understand why they aren’t able to remain calm when they are in a triggered state.
Many couples don’t understand why they have the tools, but just can't use them.
If you’re overwhelmed by trying to apply the things you’ve learned in therapy and feel apprehensive about starting that process again…
…You’re not to blame.
If you’re like most of my clients, you don’t just want to be told you need to make time for date nights. You don’t want to come to therapy every week and rehash the fight of the week.
You don’t have time for worksheets and random homework assignments, although you’ve done your best in the past to complete them, that just wasn’t your thing, especially when it was too hard to even be in the same room together without things spiraling into an argument about the past.
You know that things have gone on like this in your relationship for way too long, and you certainly don’t want to hear that you should just get divorced either. You don’t know how much longer you can go on like this, but the thought of calling an attorney and splitting custody of your kids scares the bejeesus out of you.
You want big changes, and you want them fast.
You want to feel attracted to your partner, and you want to know that they are attracted to you. You don’t just want the fighting to stop, you want to be heard and understood. You want to be loved, honored, and cherished just like your partner promised you when you said, I do.
You want your kids to grow up in a household where they know that love means affection and respect, not constant fighting and silent treatment. You want a relationship built on trust and you want a concrete plan on how to restore the trust and feel confident in your commitment to one another.
You don’t want to wonder what your partner is thinking, and constantly question whether they are looking to get their needs met outside the relationship. You love your partner so deeply. Even with all the hurt, the frustration, and the hopelessness a part of you is still fully committed. You KNOW there is a way… but an hour a week… it isn’t gonna do it. You’ve tried that before and it was such a let down.
You’ve been there, right? Forty-five minutes of just trying to catch the therapist up on what has been happening and then ding! Time’s up!
Every week more hurt just builds up and there’s more distance and wounds to manage and you don't know how you’ll ever get to it all, there just never seems to be enough time. You are not alone. This is not your fault. An hour a week isn’t right for all couples and your therapist should’ve told you that. In fact, you may have felt like your therapist was hoping you’d quit. They weren’t really sure how to handle all that you brought to the table.
Meet Your Couples Expert
I’m Alicia. I’m not intimidated. Bring me all of your shit! I’ve spent the last 15 years working with couples just like you. And I used to do it just like the rest of the couples therapists I knew and learned from. One week at a time, 50 minutes at a time. For many of the couples I worked with who just wanted help communicating and improving their connection, I helped them get great results. But for those who really needed to work through some big resentments, deep hurts, and infidelity, the weekly sessions just weren’t cutting it.
Those that really stayed committed, never missed their weekly sessions, and who rearranged their lives to do so got to experience amazing transformations in their relationships. But what I started noticing was that most people couldn’t be that dedicated. Not because they didn’t want to, and it wasn’t for a lack of trying. They just had too many other commitments impeding on their desire to truly transform their relationship and they needed the help yesterday!
Over the last several years I started offering longer sessions and intensives to clients who were really stuck and just needed more time and attention. I hardly advertised it, but after seeing how valuable it truly is and the transformations my clients have experienced as a result, I want that for you too!
Let’s create an intensive plan to dive deep and make real change and do it quickly.
6 hours in 6 weeks? F that… more like 6 hours in a day.
Let’s get crystal clear on the patterns and create a plan of action to start unraveling this now.
We’ll start with an intensive and start making progress on day one - and then we’ll make a 6 week plan based on what we learn. A combination of individual, couples, or more intensive sessions based on what you need.
I go outside of the box and we can talk about integrating Brainspotting or even Ketamine Assisted Therapy into this plan of action.
I help couples who are exhausted from trying to heal their relationships after infidelity or years of resentments to start understanding each other and learn to appreciate one another. I help couples who are truly committed but feel like they’ve tried everything else.
No more feeling anxious while you look at the clock and wonder how you’ll ever get to the important stuff. Intensives do away with the weekly process of providing background information for 4 sessions and getting the therapist caught up to speed.
For the cost of an attorney’s retainer fee, you could save your marriage.
These intensives are for couples who need help fast.
While gathering your background information and relationship history is important, it doesn't have to take a month to start getting to work because we’ll knock that out in the first couple of hours together since we won’t be pressed for time.
My clients come away with a sense of accomplishment after their intensives not, “let’s wait and see how this goes for the next couple of weeks.”
They know exactly where they’re going because they leave with a clearly defined plan.
Make the changes you really want to see in your relationship. No more walking on eggshells, no more worrying about the next blow out fight. Get it all out on the table and start on your road to a truly connected, loving, and passionate relationship.
Rebuilding a relationship takes time, effort, and energy, but you can gain serious momentum right from the start that will guide you for the remainder of your ride.
What you get with Couples Intensive:
Get support from a couples expert so you know what conversations are important to have, and how to have them. Trying to do it alone often leads to more distance, confusion, and loneliness.
You will have a dedicated holder of hope for your relationship - not a referee! (Trust me, you don’t just want a referee!) But someone to guide you in the right direction when things get heated and you feel stuck.
Many couples think they can read a book or set aside focused time on their own to sit down and talk and repair their relationships. But what ends up happening is they lose focus and want to avoid difficult topics that feel uncomfortable to talk about and those planned sit downs never happen. An intensive gives you the focused time and attention that you truly need to make a big impact.
This isn’t your, let’s just talk about it kinda therapy. We bring in real science based tools that tap into your brain with brainspotting and if you need help letting the walls down, we bring in Ketamine to help open up the possibilities of healing. We take you out of your head to feel the shift of healing all the way into your body and heart.
What does an Affair Recovery Intensive include?
Pre-Intensive Interview
A 60-minute session to determine the goals of your Affair Recovery Intensive and prepare for the experience. We will identify the pain points and destructive patterns that you and your partner often find yourselves in and want relief from. This will help inform our work together and be the foundation for the process of rebuilding trust.
Customized treatment program
The Affair Recovery Intensive sessions take place at our office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, or virtually and are scheduled for 1-3 days for 4 hours each day. This includes focused treatment that’s customized for you.
Post-Intensive Interview
A 60 minute session to debrief the experience and reflect on areas of transformation and insight. We’ll also discuss your next steps for continued growth and connection.
Why do an Affair Recovery Intensive instead of traditional weekly therapy?
Faster results. You want to make more progress in a shorter period of time.
Save time. You don’t want the start and stop of weekly therapy.
Save money. Intensives are cost-effective when you compare the cost of weekly sessions over months vs. a 3-4 day intensive
Why do an Affair Recovery Intensive?
You want to go deeper than regular talk therapy.
You want to get it all out on the table without having to come back week after week.
You want to see real results in understanding why the infidelity happened and come away with a plan that makes sense for both of you as you move toward rebuilding trust and rebuilding your relationship.
You’ve been to weekly therapy and felt stuck or on the verge of a break through, but just couldn't get there.
Options and Investment
1 Day
8 hour program
Pre-intensive interview (60 mins)
6 face-to-face hours
Resources, assessments and personalized treatment
Post-intensive interview (60 mins)
3 Days
14 hour program
Pre-intensive interview (60 mins)
3 days of intensive sessions (total of 12 hours)
Resources, assessments and personalized treatment
Post-intensive interview (60 mins)
2 Days
10 hour program
Pre-intensive interview (60 mins)
2 days of intensive sessions (total of 8 hours)
Resources, assessments and personalized treatment
Post-intensive interview (60 mins)
4 Days
18 hour program
Pre-intensive interview (60 mins)
4 days of intensive sessions (total of 16 hours)
Resources, assessments and personalized treatment
Post-intensive interview (60 mins)
Save time, energy, and money.
Jumpstart the healing process.
I already have a therapist. Can I still do an intensive?
Absolutely! I LOVE collaborating with other therapists to help clients get the holistic treatment they need and deserve. An intensive can help you when you feel like you’re experiencing a plateau in your current therapy process, or when you just need something a little more concentrated for a particular issue.
Are intensives covered by insurance?
Unfortunately, the healthcare system has not caught up to most people’s mental health needs and only provides reimbursement for traditional therapy sessions depending on your plan. Intensives are an out-of-pocket investment in doing deeper, more concentrated work that leads to quicker, lasting results.
Where are Affair Recovery Intensives offered?
Intensives are offered in the comfort of our Rancho Cucamonga or Murietta offices. Virtual intensives are also offered for anyone residing in the state of California.
What will we talk about for 8+ hours?
I know, 8, 12, or 16 hours may seem like a really long time, however most of my clients report loving the ability to feel more secure and comfortable to go deeper in these sessions than in traditional therapy sessions because they know they won’t be cut off when things start to get more intense. Brainspotting intensives also eliminate the need to talk, talk, talk. A good portion of the time is used for deep, focused processing that requires very little talking but helps to create new neural pathways in the brain that lead to big shifts in behaviors and stuck emotions and feelings.
More Questions?
Click below to book a free 15-minute phone consultation and we’ll answer any questions you might have and find out if an Affair Recovery Intensive is right for you!