Brainspotting for anxiety, depression and trauma
When talking doesn’t make it better, brainspotting can help.
Brainspotting Therapist in Rancho Cucamonga and online in California
No matter how much you talk about it and talk about it, it feels like it just won’t go away. You have faced a lot in your life, whether it was one major traumatic event that forever changed you or multiple terrible things that have occurred.
The memory of them haunts you. You are no longer the same. You spend most of your days worrying and questioning yourself. You’re not eating right and hardly sleep. Your life feels so chaotic and even though you spend most of your time in your head worrying, you realize that nothing is even getting resolved.
Sometimes you feel like you could just get past it all, but the good days have been reduced to good moments, and those good moments are becoming few and far between. Instead you show up as the mean parent - you are either constantly yelling and overwhelmed by your kids or you just hand them over to your partner to try to avoid dealing with them, and the guilt you feel at the end of the day for this leaves you feeling so much regret.
You feel so lonely because you don’t feel like anyone would ever understand all that you’ve been carrying - and you spend most of your time telling yourself you should be over that stuff, it happened so long ago now!
But it keeps you up at night and you have a panic attack every time the truth of what happened hits you.
You feel guilt and shame, and embarrassed at the thought of asking for help - you tell yourself you can get through this on your own.
A Brainspotting Therapist Can Help
Through counseling and Brainspotting we help people who are exhausted and overwhelmed from carrying the shame and guilt of past pain and trauma to release the tension from their bodies and feel lighter and at peace with what has happened in the past so they can create their future.
Together in our sessions we’ll use an amazing tool called Brainspotting to help you find a clear understanding about the past. After just a few sessions you will feel like you truly know what’s led you to feeling stuck and you will have more understanding of who you are and what makes you tick.
You will finally stop feeling guilty and start feeling proud of yourself for all the hard work you’ve done in just a short period of time.
Our clients come in weekly so they have consistent support and they say that they love having a sounding board and this amazing tool that helps them move past stuck places. They love the people they are becoming, the patience and understanding they feel around their kids, and they tell us that even though they process some really heavy emotions, Brainspotting leaves them feeling lighter after each session.
This is more than just regular talk therapy - Brainspotting is a cutting edge technique that creates new neural pathways in the brain that leave you feeling like you can finally let go and move on from your past. Brainspotting is a focused processing technique used to help you identify, process, and release core nuero-physiological sources of emotional and physical pain, and unhealthy coping mechanisms associated with PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction, chronic pain, chronic illness, and more.
If you’re ready to let go of those terrible feelings and memories that haunt you and stop feeling like you’re in constant worry and chaos, click the link below to book your free 15-minute phone consultation or call us directly at (909) 600-0306. Your first step toward healing is just a click or phone call away! We can’t wait to hear from you.
How we use Brainspotting:
Brainspotting can be done as an addition to couples therapy, or for individuals who are looking for ways to reduce anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or trauma responses.
Working through infidelity recovery and other difficult relationship issues can stir up many difficult emotions and people often find themselves triggered by memories or intrusive thoughts of their partner’s affair or their own affair, but by working with one of our trained Brainspotting therapists we can reduce those triggers significantly.
Couples therapy can also bring up childhood traumas that have not been addressed, and our Brainspotting therapists are able to take a pause and help the individual(s) with Brainspotting so they can be more present and feel less overwhelmed by their experiences. This helps them to work through the issues currently showing up in their relationship with greater success.
Uses for Brainspotting:
Sleep disorders
Generalized anxiety
Difficulty with decision making
Processing breakups
Grief & loss
Test anxiety
Difficulty sleeping
Improving performance in sports and in the workplace
Physical pain
Chronic illness
Expansion for things you want to feel more positively about such as sports, creativity, improving sales outcomes, and getting into flow states
Integrating psychedelic experiences
Anchoring positive emotions and beliefs