Will Marriage Counseling Help? A note about Timing
You’ve probably watched the fights getting closer, and closer together, or the distance between you and your partner growing larger and larger as you spend days and days without speaking to one another.
You know that things can get better, but you also know that you need guidance to get you to that place.
Therapy might seem like that daunting task - the one that you know you really need to dive into.
I totally understand that you might be waiting for the “right“ moment to start.
After weeks of putting it off, I finally did it. I went into my backyard and I pulled out the jungle of weeds that had taken over.
The weeds had been growing for months and months, and here in California, we had an exceptionally wet winter. I watched every day as the weeds grew taller and taller. But I was waiting for the perfect time to finally go out and clear the yard.
As I watched and waited, the taller they grew, the more overwhelming the job seemed.
With a gathering of friends at my home looming, and a stretch of sunny days in the forecast, I finally made the time to do it. The morning was hot AF, and by the time I was done my back and leg muscles were extremely sore and tired.
As I was working, I thought about you, and I thought about timing. And how sometimes you just aren’t ready. Sometimes you know that the job ahead is going to be longer and harder the more you put it off, but sometimes it’s really just about finding that window of time to really dive into some of things that seem really daunting.
I think this is the case for a lot of people like you who have been struggling in their marriages. You’ve probably watched the fights getting closer, and closer together, or the distance between you and your partner growing larger and larger as you spend days and days without speaking to one another.
You know that things can get better, but you also know that you need guidance to get you to that place.
Therapy might seem like that daunting task - the one that you know you really need to dive into.
I totally understand that you might be waiting for the “right“ moment to start.
But the longer you wait, the bigger the weeds will get, and the more muscle power you’ll need. Things aren’t always going to align and fall into place. So maybe this email is the gentle nudge that you need to pick up the phone and finally make your first couples therapy appointment.
Or if you’re already in therapy with one of our rockstar therapists at Rancho Counseling, maybe this is the nudge that you need to go a little deeper in your next session; to bring up something that seemed daunting before, something that you know you’ve been needing to address.
Once you truly lean in and trust in the process, there can be a little clearing for you to enjoy much like the one I created in my own backyard.
My kids now have more area to play along with my dogs.
When I look out the window, I no longer see a cumbersome task, but the edge of my yard filled with emptiness and opportunity to plant some new beautiful flowers that will be much more enjoyable than the weeds that once covered the area.
Leaning into your process and creating a clearing in your own mind or relationship will allow you the space to create something amazing!
What is that for you?
What do you wish you had more room for in the space between you and your partner?
Once you clear all the BS, what will you fill the space with? More date nights? More sex? More connective, soul connecting conversations that feel supportive and fulfilling?
Or if you’re solo, maybe freeing yourself from the hurt of your childhood traumas will give you the space to create more meaningful friendships or even a new romantic relationship?
Hit reply and let me know, or comment below. I love hearing from you!
Now is actually a fantastic time to start therapy! Yahsemin just opened up several evening times in her schedule and has openings Thursdays from 3-7pm!
Yahsemin is fantastic and has been with Rancho Counseling for over a year now. She’s gotten so much experience and training and is about to take her clinical exam for licensure!
Yahsemin has worked with some of the most difficult cases over the last year here, she’s helped couples through the infidelity recovery process and has helped so many couples improve their communication and connection over the past year - I just had to throw out there how proud I am of her!
Making your Marriage Last by Building a Culture of Appreciation
Have you ever wondered why some couples just have what it takes to make their marriage last? You know those couples - the ones that always seem happy and connected, and it seems like they never fight. They’re the couples who have been together for years and years, and who always just seem to have that spark.
Want to know their secrets?
Well let me tell you, there are specific qualities that happy couples possess, but it’s not as complicated as you might think!
Have you ever wondered why some couples just have what it takes to make their marriage last? You know those couples - the ones that always seem happy and connected, and it seems like they never fight. They’re the couples who have been together for years and years, and who always just seem to have that spark.
Want to know their secrets?
Well let me tell you, there are specific qualities that happy couples possess, but it’s not as complicated as you might think!
Over the next few weeks I’m going to be sharing the secrets of lasting, satisfying relationships, and the specific things that these “Master Couples” implement regularly to keep their relationships from heading in the wrong direction.
I’m also going to share some of the negative patterns that couples who are heading towards divorce tend to fall into so that you can avoid these destructive patterns and focus on counteracting them if they do exist in your marriage:
One of the greatest predictors of divorce is a pattern of contempt in relationships.
Contempt is an ugly pattern and I see it frequently in my office. It honestly makes my stomach hurt when it shows up.
Contempt is typically the response to long simmering resentments. Couples who are contemptuous take every opportunity to make negative comments about their partners. They sneer, roll their eyes, use sarcasm, name-call, and mock or mimic their partner in a judgmental way.
When I see couples showing up this way it’s difficult to imagine them ever even liking one another - but typically at some point they did.
Usually early on in the relationship these patterns did not exist.
Couples who avoid conflict have a tendency to get to this place because they hold on to their partner’s transgressions and rarely voice a need for change. They also wait too long to talk about issues and don’t have open dialogues about problems when they arise.
The good news is that there are ways to counteract this negative pattern. One of the secrets to having a happy, healthy relationship is building a culture of appreciation in your marriage. Here are five ways to create a culture of appreciation in your marriage:
Remember the 5:1 ratio. In order to counteract negativity and conflict in your relationship there should be a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative sentiments that are expressed. For every negative comment or interaction, there needs to be five positive expressions.
Express appreciation. Expressing appreciation goes a long way! Make it a habit to tell your partner how much you appreciate their help, their kindness, their affection, or anything else that they do that makes you smile.
Express gratitude. Make it a habit to regularly express gratitude. Say thank you for the little things, and say it often.
Show Respect. Maintain respect for your partner even when you disagree. Don't name-call, criticize, or put them down. Talk about your partner positively to others and in front of others.
Show affection. Regularly reach out to your partner to initiate affection. A hug, a hand hold, or a brush of the hair goes a long way. If affection does not come naturally to you, start by getting in the habit of showing affection when saying hello or good-bye and move on from there.
If you feel like you’re in a contemptuous relationship, the best time to start couples therapy is ASAP! Past hurts and resentments should be discussed and processed in order to move forward and make room for building a culture of appreciation.
Is your Cell Phone Killing your Intimacy?
Are you addicted to your cell phone? Do you go to bed with it at night, and wake up with it in the morning?
Technology is a part of life, and it can be such an amazing tool that can really enhance your life, but what happens when it starts to do the opposite? Can you tell if you really are addicted, and if it's killing the intimacy in your relationship?
Are you addicted to your cell phone? Do you go to bed with it at night, and wake up with it in the morning?
Technology is a part of life, and it can be such an amazing tool that can really enhance your life, but what happens when it starts to do the opposite? Can you tell if you really are addicted, and if it's killing the intimacy in your relationship?
In this week’s post I’m going to share signs that you should look for to help you identify cell phone addiction, ways to kill the addiction so you can enhance the intimacy in your relationship, and ways to talk to your partner if you suspect they are the one who's addicted to their phone.
According to PsychGuides.com, 90% of adults in America own a cell phone, and 67% of smartphone users have admitted to checking their phones when it didn't even ring or vibrate.
So if everyone has one, and we're all using them, you might be wondering, "what's the big deal??"
l'll admit I love my iPhone - I love having it with me so that I can easily capture memories through videos and photos of my kids, family, and friends. I love scrolling through social media to see what my family and friends are up to, and I love that I have this really awesome tool available at my fingertips to look up whatever information I need, when I need it. I used it just a second ago to find that statistic I shared with you.
You don't need me to tell you all of the amazing benefits of these tiny computers we're all carrying around.
But I have noticed a major trend in my practice - I would say about 75% of the couples l'm working with have at one point stated that their partner's cell phone usage has gotten on their nerves, caused fights, or made them feel isolated or alone, and I think that's a big deal.
So while your phone can help you connect with people across the world, that's doing little for your relationship with the person sitting right next to you.
There's a lot of new research coming out about the way technology is impacting our kids and their development. I hear a lot of adults stressing over limiting screen time for their kids, but the truth is, it starts with the examples we lead as adults.
I'm sure you've seen some of these memes on social media:
So how can you tell if you or your partner is addicted to your cell phone?
As of the time of this writing (January, 2020), there is no clinical diagnosis for technology or cell phone addiction in the DSM - (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) - which is the bible of diagnoses. However some of the things you should be aware of come from a comparison to gambling addiction which is behavioral and was added to the DSM's most recent edition. The criteria include:
A need to use the cell phone more and more often in order to achieve the same desired effect - think about this like a tolerance to any substance
Failed attempts try to stop using, or to use the phone less
Preoccupation with smartphone use
Turning to your phone when experiencing unwanted feelings like anxiety or depression
Excessive use to the point of experiencing a loss of time
The need for the newest cell phone or apps
Feelings of withdrawal when your cell phone is unreachable - You might feel anger, depression, irritability, or restlessness.
PsychGuides.com has a great little self-assessment that you can do to see if you’re really addicted to your phone. You don't have to exhibit all 7 of the signs I listed either, you only need 4 out of those to consider it a true addiction.
And maybe you don't even have 4, but have heard your partner complain about your cell phone usage? If that is the case, a change in your behavior might be in order, because it doesn't necessarily need to be a full-blown addiction to impact the intimacy in your relationship.
Ok so now that we've established that, let's talk about ways to change these behaviors so you can increase the intimacy between you and your partner, and stop looking like this:
Quitting anything cold turkey is almost impossible, and since you really want to create lasting change, I recommend the following instead:
One of the best things you can do is create sectioned off parts of your life that are free from technology, that you can also designate as time with your partner.
It's easiest to do this by associating this time with things you already do everyday. For example, eating, getting ready for bed, watching TV or a movie together.
Designating those as cell phone free times will be helpful, and the more you do it and get those good hormones going in your brain from the increased connection with your partner, the easier it will get.
You can also create new rituals of connection with your partner, like a 15-minute check-in at the end of the day where you sit on the patio or couch (all phone free of course) and have a conversation about your day.
So what if you feel like you’re ok with putting your phone down, but are irritated by your partner’s excessive usage?
In this case, the first thing you need to do is keep leading by example. In addition to that, having a conversation, not in the moment - I mean not immediately after you get upset with them for ignoring you once again while they scroll through their IG feed. This conversation should take place at a neutral time when both of you are feeling good and not flooded.
This conversation should include “I-statements.” Let your partner know how it feels when you are being ignored because they are on the phone excessively. Name the feeling for your partner - I feel sad, alone, isolated, etc. and then make a request. Ask for cell phone free time during specific activities or let them know you really want to have a check-in time every day and want it to be screen free. After you have that conversation give them grace as they adjust, and gently remind them if you see them pick up their phone during a cell phone free time. Shaming and criticism is definitely not the route to take when asking for you partner to change behavior.
What is Couples Counseling REALLY Like?
Couples therapy can sometimes seem like a mysterious process, and if you've never experienced it before, you might be wondering what it's all about. Keep reading, because today I'm going to break it all down for you!
Why would I want to spend a bunch of money for someone to tell us what our problems are, or for you to just try and convince some stranger that I’m a terrible partner?? Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?
Couples therapy can sometimes seem like a mysterious process, and if you've never experienced it before, you might be wondering what it's all about. Keep reading, because today I'm going to break it all down for you!
Therapy is kind of a mystery because #1, it's confidential - so most people don't talk about what actually goes on behind that closed door. #2, it's really different for everyone because no two people or couples are alike.
In addition to those two factors, no two therapists are alike. I seriously dislike 99% of all therapists that you might see in movies or on TV. I mean, have you seen the therapist on YOU?? The media does a terrible job at depicting us.
If you are curious about what a good example of therapy looks like, I highly recommend the book, Maybe you should talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb. She's a therapist who gives a behind the scenes look at a therapist’s world, and in the book, she also tells the story of her own therapy (because yes, therapists also go to therapy because we know the value.) But what I love about this book is her humor and candor!
Anyhoo, I digress...
All therapists are not created equal, and we all have different ways that we run our practices, and what we call, theoretical orientations - which is kind of like the lens in which we see and focus on things with our clients.
I personally specialize in working with couples, and have dedicated the last 10 years to learning and really honing my skills in this area.
I'm trained in a couple of different orientations - but the one I use most in my work with couples is the Gottman Method, and I mention them a lot in my blogs. This method is backed by years of research and when couples are all-in, and are dedicated to doing the work in, and out of session, they see some awesome results!
So what is couples therapy actually like? Let me walk you through MY process, because remember, not all therapists work the same way, so I can only really speak to my own process:
In the first session I ask very similar questions when I'm meeting a couple for the first time. I want to know what their goals are for counseling, and I ask what their relationship will look like 3-6 months from now if therapy is working for them - what changes do they want to see?
In the first session I also get a relationship history. I want to know how they met, and all of the significant milestones in the relationship like the dating period, engagement, marriage, moving in together, having kids, jobs, relocations, etc.
I also talk to the couple about what's brought them in to counseling and ask them to discuss what they have done in the past to try to remedy these issues. When we discuss their current issues, couples typically get into an argument and I allow it because I’m assessing their communication and the patterns they get into.
Couples usually have a sort of dance that they do, arguments typically start the same, the middle looks similar, and then they usually end the same. So in order for me to best help them, I need to understand what that pattern looks like.
At no point during this or any of my sessions with couples do I play referee.I think this is a really common misconception about couples therapy. The therapist isn't there to say who's right and who they think is wrong, and they aren't there to try to get your partner to see it your way. That would just be a big waste of everyone's time and energy because that doesn't produce lasting change.
After that first session I send my couples the Relationship Checkup- it's an extensive background questionnaire that measures various aspects of the relationship like communication and connection patterns. They complete this assessment at home and then they each come in for an individual session with me.
In the individual sessions I talk with clients about their personal histories and backgrounds because this plays a huge role in the way each person relates and interacts in the relationship.
After that I have them come back as a couple. In that couples session I compile all of the info that l've gathered from the conversations I’ve had with them and all of the results from their Relationship Checkup, and I discuss a plan with them. We talk about what a really strong and healthy relationship looks like, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what its going to take to get them where they want to be.
And then we dive in from there.
This roadmap looks different for every couple based on their specific needs and issues.
But as an example, if a couple is really struggling with having a lot of conflict, the work is going to be about ways they can manage their conflict more appropriately. This happens over the course of many sessions with them bringing up conflicts they are having at home.
Sometimes they will describe the issue and get back into it on my couch and I will help them slow down and understand various patterns they are falling into. I give them the tools to try and work on the issues in and out of sessions.
So that, in a very large nutshell is what couples therapy looks like. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out!
3 Ways to Improve Communication in Marriage
“We just need to improve our communication!”
This is hands down, the number one thing couples tell me when they call for a consultation and want to start couples counseling.
So how do you improve your communication?
Here are three things you can start doing TODAY in order to improve your communication with your partner.
“We just need to improve our communication!”
This is hands down, the number one thing couples tell me when they call for a consultation and want to start couples counseling.
So how do you improve your communication?
Here are three things you can start doing TODAY in order to improve your communication with your partner.
Too often couples get stuck in blame, criticism, and defensiveness. They say things like, “you ALWAYS do that,” or “you NEVER do what I ask.”
The language that you use with your partner is meaningful, and it has the ability to escalate a conflict from something small to something monumental. This brings us to the first thing you can do to improve your communication, which is, use “I-statements.”
An “I-statement” is simply starting your communication with the word “I” rather than “you.” When you use “you” your partner’s natural reaction is to become defensive, so in order to be heard, begin with “I.”
“I feel,” “I need,” “I want,” are all perfect examples. If you are upset because you feel like your picking up most of the slack around the house, and could use some help, saying something like, “I feel like I’ve been doing a lot around the house lately, and I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. I’d really like it if you could help me a bit more by making sure all of the dishes are done at the end of the night.”
Notice in this example, there is no finger pointing, and the use of “I” is less likely to create defensiveness on your partner’s part. It allows for the ability to respond to the feeling and the request.
This brings me to the second thing you can do to improve your communication, which is, talk about the way something made you feel when bringing up an issue with your partner.
If you’re upset with your partner about something ask yourself what emotion is being evoked by their action. A typical response is anger, however, anger is a secondary emotion, it’s what’s on the surface. If you sit with your anger and go deeper, under anger is typically hurt, sadness, frustration, loneliness, or embarrassment.
When you express a feeling that is yours. Your feelings are your own, and can’t be argued with. If you tell your partner you feel sad, they can’t really argue that you don’t, which is why this is a really great way to be heard and to have more effective communication.
Using the previous example, letting your partner know that you are feeling overwhelmed by housework is one way to express this. You might also say, “I’m feeling really stressed,” or “I’m a little hurt because I feel like we aren’t on the same team when it comes to tackling stuff around the house.”
Own your feelings and express them to your partner.
The next way you can improve your communication is by being curious rather than accusatory.
If an issue arises - get clarification. Be curious about what it is that happened and where your partner was coming from before accusing them of a behavior.
Understanding their intention goes a long way and once you do that, you may still be upset, but it can keep your conflict from escalating quicker than it needs to. After you are able to clarify by asking questions and being curious, then you can use the previous two tips to express how the issue made you feel.
Adopting new behaviors and changing old ones takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and your partner when learning new ways of communicating, because you may have been stuck in those negative patterns for years! Change is not impossible, no matter how long you’ve been together!