Should you go to bed angry?
Let's bust a big fat myth today…
I’m sure you’ve heard that the best way to have a great marriage is to never go to bed angry.
It’s concerning to me that couples will literally stay up all night going around and around with the same argument because they are trying to stick to this rule.
Let's bust a big fat myth today…
I’m sure you’ve heard that the best way to have a great marriage is to never go to bed angry.
It’s concerning to me that couples will literally stay up all night going around and around with the same argument because they are trying to stick to this rule.
I dunno about you but that sounds like a one-way ticket to complete exhaustion and a week of trying to make up for lost sleep.
This rule is damaging because it doesn’t take into account the amount of damage that can be done by continuing to fight when you’re dysregulated. It doesn’t take into account the quality of communication that you’re having. You could be yelling, throwing things, name calling, and giving the silent treatment.
When couples start working with us not only do they learn how to regulate their emotions, but they understand their body’s warning signals that tell them when they are starting to become dysregulated.
They learn how to call time-outs and how to respect one another’s requests to stop. They learn how to return to the conversation when they are feeling more in control of their emotions.
Our couples learn how to have conflict and still feel connected and loving.
They don’t turn into enemies and they actually come to agreements about the things they are fighting about.
There’s no more pushing things under the rug, walking on eggshells, or silent treatment.
If you want to stop having marathon fights and learn how to improve your communication…
Click HERE and book your free 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll get you started with a couples expert and help you stop the marathon fights that go nowhere.
Ketamine Therapy VS Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Ketamine research is showing amazing results but do you know that difference between Ketamine Therapy and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy? Read more to find out…
Ketamine clinics are popping up all over California. The research is exciting. It reports immediate relief from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Most people experience immediate relief. But, these reports often overlook the importance of integration as an ongoing process. This is truly what creates lasting change.
Ketamine Therapy is the process of receiving Ketamine. You can administer it through an IV, a lozenge, or nasal spray. Most Ketamine clinics provide a medical evaluation prior to treatment. Then, the patient arrives and the drug is administered.
Ketamine remains in the system for 45 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, the person feels sedated and has an internal psychedelic experience. Once the experience is over, a chaperone will wheel the patient out to drive them home.
Without appropriate integration, the experience is just an experience. It can be difficult to process the learnings from the experience. It can be difficult to allow them to permeate everyday life.
Why Choose KAP?
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is more fully supported. The emphasis and focus are on the preparation, intention setting, and integration processes.
Much of the research on psychedelic assisted therapy discusses the importance of set and setting. It determines whether a person will experience a positive outcome. I strongly believe that.
Set refers to the mindset in which a person is in prior to an experience. The setting refers to the physical space and energy surrounding the experience.
Many people use psychedelics recreationally. The experience is not therapeutic or healing. It is just an experience.
The Power of Integration
In my work with KAP clients I first seek to know them, their histories, and their goals for treatment. This sets the stage for the work we will do together and it is about trust building.
Most of my clients have never used any type of recreational drugs. We spend a lot of time preparing for a dosing session. We focus on answering questions. We also discuss the fears and anxieties that naturally come up.
We also spend a lot of time discussing goals and intentions. I carefully prepare the space for each dosing session. I incorporate aromatherapy and music to enhance each client’s experience. This also helps with integration.
Ketamine Journeys are 3-hour sessions. We discuss intentions and practice meditation. I help ease the client into the experience. Once the effects of the ketamine wear off there is plenty of time for clients to return to their bodies and process the experience.
1-3 days following a journey, clients return to my office for an integration session. In this session, we also use aromatherapy. It helps the client remember the learnings they experienced during their journey. We discuss any insights they’ve had. I also use Brainspotting to anchor in the experience. It helps clients return to the places and feelings they’d like to take away from the experience.
Real Results, Real Transformation
Last week, I shared some of the amazing results my clients are experiencing after just one Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) session.
Improved sleep, the ability to be present, implementing healthy lifestyle changes, and seeing oneself positively... the list goes on and on. In case you missed that email you can read it here.
If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey click the link below to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll answer all your questions and make sure it’s right for you.
When Marriage Feels Hopeless
Does this sound like a familiar cycle to you: Do you blow-up, push away, give the silent treatment, and then start speaking again when you have to (because of some shared commitment), and then extend an olive branch somehow and return to homeostasis, until the next time?
When that rage burns through your body like a dragon breathing fire because you feel like your partner is just never going to get it, do you feel like just burning it all down?
Do you want to throw in the towel and wave your white flag?
Do you feel like locking the front door and just walking away completely?
I feel your pain.
I know it feels like things will never get better.
I know these cycles can make you become paralyzed and withdrawn and it makes it hard to focus on your work and your kids.
That feeling is terrible - feeling so stuck and not knowing what to do next, the guilt and the shame.
You can go back and fight it out again, or you can retreat and try to soothe yourself with the usual - social media, shopping, drinks with friends, or maybe a trip to the gym…
They make you forget about the rage, the sadness, and utter disappointment of being in the same place you’ve been in for way too long.
But they are only temporary.
That’s not how you truly want to live. You don’t want to be numb and disconnected, and you’re probably really missing out on your kids' lives and giving them too much screen time because you just don’t have the energy to be engaged like you want to be.
I’m not judging you. I know you’re doing the best you can do right now. But we both know you’re capable of so much more.
I want to remind you of a couple things:
I want to remind you that you’re still in your relationship for a reason, probably multiple reasons.
Maybe it’s your kids, or the life you’ve built together, and there’s probably still a lot of love there. Those things are so important to you or you’d be googling attorneys in your area rather than scrolling tiktok.
I also want to remind you of a different time in your life.
You can probably remember a time when you felt so happy and connected to your partner. A time when you were in love and had so much hope and excitement for the future.
I know that you think about leaving and it might be hard to even remember a time when you weren’t fighting.
But not being able to remember doesn’t mean that those happy times did not exist. It just means that you’re exhausted from being on the merry-go-round of fighting.
Does this sound like a familiar cycle to you: Do you blow-up, push away, give the silent treatment, and then start speaking again when you have to (because of some shared commitment), and then extend an olive branch somehow and return to homeostasis, until the next time?
I know these cycles so well! I know them because I see them day after day. When couples step into our offices for the first time we always ask them to describe the dance they do when they get into fights and while every couple is unique the cycles sound pretty similar.
I know that this cycle is so frustrating because not only is it exhausting, it’s also not productive. You’re not actually solving any of the issues that are causing the blow-ups, and you know that you’re going to have the same argument again in a couple weeks.
If you’re ready to get off the merry-go-round and start communicating in a way that makes you feel heard, respected, connected, and loved, we want to help. Click the link below to book your free, 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll get you set up with one of our expert couples therapists and help you stop feeling like you’re ready ro burn it all down!
Why Marriage Counseling is not a Quick Fix
Social media and marketing are made to grab our attention and pull on our heart strings. People want to sell us on the notion that we aren't good enough without whatever they have to sell us. The truth is, I don’t have a quick and easy way for you to have the marriage of your dreams. Marriage is like anything else in that the grass grows where you water it.
“Five minutes to freedom.”
“15 minutes a day to make six figures.”
“Change your entire life with this hack”
I don't know about you but my IG feed is FULL of clickbait titles like this. My email inbox is also full of headlines like this.
Social media and marketing are made to grab our attention and pull on our heart strings. People want to sell us on the notion that we aren't good enough without whatever they have to sell us.
The therapy space is a little different. I’m not a coach. I’ll never claim to be a guru, and I’ll never splash photos of me and my husband across the Internet asking people - do you want what I have? The truth about those types of posts and emails is that anyone can portray their relationship any way they’d like. Social media is the highlight reel, and anyone who claims that having a great marriage comes easy is full of it!
The truth is, I don’t have a quick and easy way for you to have the marriage of your dreams. Marriage is like anything else in that the grass grows where you water it.
I’ve seen hundreds, maybe even thousands of clients over the past 15 years. Not all of them stick with me long-term, and I’d be lying if I told you they did {but clearly you know that I cannot physically see 1000 clients in one week - my max is actually 12}.
The reasons people quit therapy varies: Some of them don’t click with the therapist, some don’t want to make the financial investment, and some really want a quick fix.
This last one is probably the hardest for me to see. I try to be as honest as possible about what couples can expect when they start marriage counseling. I tell them that they should plan to be in therapy for at least 6 months, and if they are going through infidelity recovery, it will be at least a year.
Those are rough estimates. Most of the patterns that keep couples stuck in cycles of blow-out arguments, silent treatment, and other unhealthy patterns are due to each individual’s unresolved traumas.
When people quit therapy and say that it isn’t working, it’s usually because they are unwilling to look at their own patterns and want so badly for the pain to end. Having a weekly reminder of what isn’t working is difficult and I’m totally aware of the lack of motivation that can hit you when you’re having a great day but you know that you have therapy later and are going to be encouraged to look at some heavy stuff.
It’s easy to think that because you’ve been able to string together a few good days with no fights or negativity, that the relationship will be fine. But how many times have you thought that already, only to end up in the same place - hurting and looking for a way out?
Marriage Counseling is hard.
Marriage Counseling is a commitment.
Marriage counseling will not improve your relationship overnight.
Marriage counseling will only work as hard as you do.
But that’s why my clients are some of the bravest people that I have ever met!
The clients that stick with it, hunker down, and brace themselves to do the work - the ones that continue to show up week after week get stronger and stronger, and when they weather the eye of the storm, they come out on the other side with soooo much love, intimacy, self-discovery, and pride.
Graduating couples from marriage counseling is the greatest perk of the job. The last session I have with couples is about reflecting on where they started. We talk about the ups and the downs, and then celebrate the new fulfilling connection they have worked so hard to create. It’s so much fun!
Thankfully there are also ways to make the process a little less challenging. Have I told you about Brainspotting yet? Actually, I know I did, I sent you an email about it a while back, but in case you didn’t get to it, I’ll link info here. (No hard feelings, I promise I don’t judge if you’re not fully reading every word I send you ;0)
Brainspotting helps speed up the process towards healing.
When I work with couples and one or both are struggling because they have unresolved traumas that are being triggered, I hit pause on our couples work and we do one or two sessions individually to work on those triggers and they feel so much relief once we do! Then we dive right back into our couples work and can keep moving forward.
Before I was trained in Brainspotting this intersection when the trauma was triggered was such a challenge, it could take months and months to help the couple as a unit to get past this.
I know I told you I don’t have a quick fix and that still rings true. Clients are still working while they are Brainspotting. They are still feeling big emotions and it is challenging, but it’s much more comfortable than walking around with it bouncing around, untethered.
I also always end my Brainspotting sessions with an expansion spot - I help clients find something they’d like to feel; that might be peace, calm, excitement, or confidence, and they get to connect with that feeling in their body and it makes processing the difficult stuff so much more manageable!
If you’re ready to do the work and have a truly transformed relationship I want to help! Click here and book your free 15-minute phone consultation, and we will find the right therapist in our office for you!
Questions to ask a Marriage Counselor in Rancho Cucamonga
I know how hard it is to find a great therapist! It makes a huge difference in the results you will get when you hire the right marriage counselor, so let's talk about the right questions you need to ask:
Finding a marriage counselor in any city is hard! Living in Rancho Cucamonga you are thankfully in a nicely populated area that gives you a few choices when it comes to marriage counseling. So let’s say you’ve done the legwork - searched google, yelp, and maybe asked around to a couple of friends and you’ve gotten a list of marriage counselors that seem nice enough. They will likely offer a free phone consultation, but what should you say and ask when you get on the phone?
Questions to ask a marriage counselor in Rancho Cucamonga
I know how hard it is to find a great therapist! You might be wondering how I know that - if you think your therapist doesn't have a therapist, then you’re mistaken! Most great therapists have their own therapist. It’s really important that we continue to do our own work and have a place to process so we can best show up for our own clients. But it took me months to find a therapist so I know how dang hard it can be!
It can also be hard to come to the realization that you need to hire someone to help you with your marriage, but a great marriage counselor is worth their weight in gold! It makes a huge difference in the results you will get when you hire the right marriage counselor, so let's talk about the right questions you need to ask:
What is your specialization?
If you are looking for help with your marriage, the first thing you’ll want to make sure is that the therapists you are consulting with are actually trained marriage counselors. If you were having a problem with your foot, you’d see a podiatrist, and if you needed a cavity filled you’d see a dentist. This is the same principle here - you are going to want to find the right professional for the job. Marriage troubles require a specially trained marriage counselor - not a therapist who tolerates working with couples from time to time.
What type of marriage counseling do you do?
There are a couple different modalities of marriage counseling and you will want to ask about the marriage counselor’s way of working so that you have an idea of what to expect. Some of the most common and effective modalities are Gottman Therapy and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT).
Do you take insurance?
Insurance is the least important factor for me when I think about finding the right person for the job. That’s because marriage is one of the most important relationships in your life, and if you are on the brink of losing it, or if it just isn't as fulfilling as you’d like, that causes so much pain and heartache and finding a highly trained specialist is going to help work through that pain much quicker than a marriage counselor who is just trying to figure things out week by week.
I do also understand that it can be costly and if you aren’t able to pay out of pocket and must use your insurance to cover sessions, make sure you ask the marriage counselor what insurance panels they are on and what the copay is. You also will want to call your insurance company and make sure that marriage counseling is covered - sometimes they only cover individual or family counseling, depending on your plan, but you will want to know upfront so there are no financial surprises.
What is the process like for new couples?
Some marriage counselors have an intake session the first session, some have more. Some marriage counselors like us at Rancho Counseling have a very structured, 4-step process for all new couples that includes couples and individual sessions as well as an extensive background questionnaire to get a full picture of what’s happening with each couple we work with right at the beginning so we can help them reach their goals in a timely manner.
These are the most important questions that I think of when my friends are looking for marriage counselors in Rancho Cucamonga and I am offering my advice. I hope this helps you find the right marriage counselor!
If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call us at (909) 600-0306 for a free 15 minute phone consultation. We would be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with marriage counseling, you can read more about how Rancho Counseling can help here.